Required fonts:
Montserrat -
Bebas Neue -
uni sans -
Nexa -
How to edit text:
1. Go to «Big Title pack» folder
2. Go to Title (number you need)
3. Go to text composition composition
4. Double click on the text layer
5. Write your text
How to edit colors, size:
1. Go to «Big title pack» folder
2. Go to Title (number you need)
3. Click on «controls» or "controols 2" layer
4. Go to Effect controls panel
5. Change colors and size as you wish
Changing duration
1. Go to «Render» composition
2. Remove the hiding of your title
3. Change the position of keys as you wish ( first 2 keys are start of animation and others are end)
How to render:
1. After all changes you made go to «Composition» on the top menu
2. Go to «Add to render queue»
3. Choose format you want
4. Click «Render»
If you have any doubts please let me know.